Anshoo Agarwal
Anshoo Agarwal

Northern Border University, KSA

Thank you so much..many thanks for giving  an opportunity..see you again next year and my warm regards to you.

Anasuya Ganguly
Anasuya Ganguly

BITS Pilani, India

I enjoyed the conference too

Parimala Jaggesh
Parimala Jaggesh

AlaMirap Nutrition, India

Scientex 2nd Global Meeting in Paris, France about Diabetes and Endocrinology was a well-organized event. 
I had the opportunity to meet and interact with doctors and endocrinologist from across the globe - each of them experts in their chosen profession.
Wishing Scientex Organization the very best in all their future endeavors.

Raydeh Al Khani
Raydeh Al Khani

Damascus University, Syria

The conference was well organized. All people were kind 
The hotel was good. In conclusion, I was pleased and honored by my participation 

Divij Sharma
Divij Sharma

St John of God Hospital, Australia

Thank You so much for inviting me to present at this prestigious platform.

Daisy Alejandra Morales-Lazcano
Daisy Alejandra Morales-Lazcano

Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, Mexico

Dear organizers of the second International Congress on Diabetes and Endocrinology. I appreciate your fine attention to be able to contact me via email to be able to expose the clinical case in question to breast cancer in men, a rare case in the universal bibliography.
It was a pleasant experience to be able to see different world-class participants with a high standard of research, the experience to present their research work is noticeable.
This is my first experience as a speaker at an international conference, I was a bit nervous seeing such a high status of the speakers.