Rishabh Chalotra

Central University of Punjab, India

Title: Current Trends in Diabetic Foot Ulcer Therapies


Diabetes, affecting over 8.5% of adults globally, presents a significant threat with impaired wound healing. Unlike healthy people, diabetic patients encounter challenges in healing injuries like cuts and abrasions due to factors like compromised immunity, neuropathy, poor circulation, and increased infection susceptibility. These complications can lead to severe consequences, including amputation and mortality. Unfortunately, there's no specific diabetes wound healing medication, and existing therapies have side effects. Extensive research into diabetic wound healing has explored alternative approaches. Repurposed drugs like certain statins, estrogen, phenytoin, and DPP4 inhibitors have been studied for their wound-healing potential in diabetics. Plant-based treatments like Catharanthus roseus, Rosmarinus officinalis, Aloe vera, Radix Rehmannia, Carica papaya, and Punica granatum have been investigated in pre-clinicals. Numerous studies and clinical trials have examined techniques such as Royal Jelly application, honey-dressing, the LeucoPatch system, and Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy for diabetic wound healing. In this, we aim to highlight diabetic wound healing challenges and promissing therapeutic options for effective wound management in diabetic patient


Rishabh Chalotra is a Research Scholar, he worked on Rheumatoid arthritis in his masters, now he is working on Metabolic disorder. He has published Six papers under his name, and 1 Indian patent was granted whereas five applied; moreover, two book chapters are also published under his name. Apart from these he has 14 months of industrial experience in Quality assurance in the pharmaceutical industry.