Elena N. Saverskaya

Elena N. Saverskaya

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Russian Biotechnological University, Russia

Title: An innovative approach to increasing physical activity and inclusion of children with diabetes in society: health and education program "Diabetes.Dancing.Children"


The global problem of modern children and adolescents with diabetes mellitus (DM) is a tendency to a sedentary lifestyle, a lot of time at smartphone screens, a low level of sports, a lack of knowledge about how to manage diabetes when performing physical activity of varying intensity. Children and adolescents with diabetes, especially in the first years after diagnosis, experience difficulties in social adaptation among their peers and in society. We present as an example of an innovative approach to increasing physical activity, teaching diabetes management during physical exertion of varying intensity, adaptation and inclusion of children with DM in society, the social health and educational program “Diabetes. Dancing. Children”, which has been implemented since 2020 in Moscow. The program is attended by children with DM1 aged 5 to 17 years, disease experience from 2 months up to 10 years old. Features of the program consist in adapting dance loads to glycemic indicators in dynamics; participation in the program of children and adolescents with diabetes, their family environment and friends; support of endocrinologists and clinical psychologists; holding an educational marathon and workshops for children and parents; participation of children in dance competitions and festivals, video filming and various creative activities.  


Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Clinical Pharmacologist, delivers a course of lectures on clinical pharmacology for doctors of various specialties as part of postgraduate education at the Russian Biotechnological University. Author of more than 200 scientific publications and manuals on clinical trials, pharmacovigilance, study of the efficacy and safety of generic drugs, including insulin biosimilars. Experience of more than 20 years of personal participation in clinical trials of medicines. Reviewer for several scientific medical journals. Head of the "Diabetes.Dances.Children" project, within the framework of which the scientific development of innovative approaches to the adaptation of children with DM to physical activity, social and psychological adaptation in society, as well as new directions for the development of diabetes schools in real time is being carried out.