Maria Ilieva-Gerova
Maria Ilieva-Gerova

Medical University Plovdiv, Bulgaria

Thank You very much for the certificate and mainly for the opportunity to participate in this splendid conference!

Manash P Baruah
Manash P Baruah

Excelcare Hospital, India

I would be happy to participate. It was a pleasure being a part of the conference.

Daniela Jakubowicz
Daniela Jakubowicz

Tel Aviv University, Israel

The meeting was very nice and an opportunity to share our research experience  with other  experts. 

Ghida Dairi
Ghida Dairi

King Saud University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Thanks for the great conference

Salma Alkalbani
Salma Alkalbani

Senior specialist Family Medicine, Sultanate of Oman

I would like to participate for next webinar, for sure

Agne Kadusauskiene
Agne Kadusauskiene

University of Health Sciences Kauno Klinikos, Lithuania

Thank you and organizers for a great possibility to participate in this global meeting and all the effort in organizing it. The webinar was interesting, I really enjoyed participating.